Blogging has the potential of opening many doors for your business website, but the truth is that plenty of businesses still don’t include a blog on their website. Others may have a blog—but it hasn’t been updated for months or even years. There are many reasons a business website should include a
blog—after all, as the saying goes “content is king.” Let’s take a look at some of them.
A Blog Is Relatively Inexpensive
If you already have a website, you can easily set up a blog—or have your developer set one up for you. The cost is minimal. If you write your own blogs, the only cost is your time.
A Blog Provides New, Relevant Content for Customers and Potential Customers
It’s a competitive, digital world, and the competition is tough. If you can provide your customers with new content to keep them interested, they are far more likely to return to your website—and they may stay awhile. In addition to words, you can also post photos and videos.
By staying up-to-date with the latest in your industry’s trends, people will start to view you as an authority and as trustworthy, and your blog as the place to go for information related to your industry.
A Blog Gives You Something to Share on Social Media and in Emails
If social media and email are part of your overall marketing campaign, blog posts give you information to share, enticing people to check out your website. And if your content is particularly compelling, people on social media might share it, further increasing the potential for visitors to your website.
A Blog Gives Google a Reason to Love Your Site
Google loves a website with fresh content that is relevant and authoritative. But most people don’t update their websites very often. Once Google reviews your website, it can be ranked. If you don’t post anything new, there is no reason for Google to return. So updating your blog regularly gives Google a reason to review your website again and again. This can improve your ranking in search results—and
boost traffic to your website.
A Blog Gives You a Place to Use Keywords
When you use relevant keywords—those specific to your business and what people might type into a search engine to find you—it can improve your ranking in search engines. You can also use your blog to direct targeted traffic to your website.
If you have a business and want to reach the most amount of people, the trusted experts at Omnia Marketing can help you with the tools and services necessary to reach the most amount of potential customers and ensure that your company’s website is attracting visitors. Not everyone is an SEO expert—and the good news is that you don’t have to be. We are experienced in guiding clients through the ever-changing and often-confusing world of SEO. Contact Omnia Marketing today to begin the process of getting more visitors to your website.